Child Friendly Dimapur has three major stakeholders. They are:
- Children - Children are the primary stakeholders and subjects of Child Friendly Dimapur. They are the agent of change in transforming the world. By children, we understand all persons below the age of 18. However, the bulk of the awareness creation and capacity building programmes conducted are focused mainly for the age group of 12 – 1 years of age.
- Young People and Civil Society Organizations/Groups – Child friendly Dimapur believes that young people in the 18 to 29 age group can add immense value to child friendly city initiatives by their energy and passion. Therefore, Child Friendly Dimapur seeks to leverage these resources towards making Dimapur a child friendly city.
“Building” a child friendly city, or more modestly, “making” a city more child friendly is not within the reach of a single organization or group, regardless of its capacities. It is the combined effort of everyone in the city, each playing its role, whether it be children or adult citizens or the administrators and leaders. Therefore, Child Friendly Dimapur uses a strategy to network with diverse segments of civil society and adult citizens to mobilize, capacitate and handhold children, including financially, and to raise their combined voices to add strength to the engagement of children with city administrations.
- Civil Administration and Leadership
Child friendly cities can be realized only when duty bearers – elected representatives, city leadership, civil administrations, the bureaucracy, service providers – act as mandated by the constitutions, legal provisions and programmes that translate them into action. Consequently, Child Friendly Dimapur takes initiatives in building a good relationship with key administrative personnel through personal meetings, focused group discussion, trainings and workshops to explore avenues for collaboration and take up remedial or preventive action towards making Dimapur a Child Friendly city.